Chris Cornell’s brother Peter has posted the following on Instagram:
“Happier times. 1000 years ago. These two guys never saw it coming. Maybe it’s the holiday season. There’s a weight that rides around with me right now. It’s probably a bad idea for me to be on IG. Every time I open it, there he is. In some capacity. Portraits. Videos. Performances. My little Brother.
I’ve not figured out how to process it. Maybe there is no process. If only I was a drinking man, I’d climb in a bottle. I used up all my escape routes long ago. So I get to live with the weight. To look at it from every angle. My mind raises all the questions and fails to solve them over and over. So here I write into space instead of trying for the sleep that might heal me a little. I make a lot of mistakes right now. Big ones.
I think my focus a bit off. I struggle with my self care. It’s sort of the last thing that crosses my mind. I know my Brother would want for me to keep it together. So if for no other reason than to honor his wishes, I’ll keep it together. I’m blessed with love all around me. My little family. A woman/Mother, a step son/miracle boy, a beast puppy/fish breath and me. And Chris all around me all the time. Your presence is felt little Brother. For Christmas. For all of us.”