Chris Cornell’s Daughter Reveals Surprising Pop Singer She’d Collaborate With


Chris Cornell’s daughter Lily answered questions about what instruments she plays, and how often she sings with her sister Toni in a new Tumblr Q&A.

Anonymous asked:

What instruments can you play?

i’m classically trained in piano and started when i was six, and also play guitar, bass, drums.

Anonymous asked:

You have a lot of soul to your voice. Who would you duet with in R&B?

i’m constantly in awe of alicia keys and her voice

Anonymous asked:

You and your sis have beautiful voices. Do you ever sing together? ? ?

constantly !

Chris Cornell’s daughter Toni has uploaded part 2 of her Q&A with actress Rita Wilson on her photography Instagram.

Q: What was it like to be in this industry while raising a family? How did you balance it out?

A: Tom [Hanks] and I tried to not work at the same time. So while Tom was doing a movie, I wasn’t working so I could travel with the family and be on location with him. And if I was working, then he would be home and staying with the family. We would always try to be together on those locations obviously, and sometimes movies shot over the summertime, so everybody could go on location together, that way the family was together. I sort of have this belief that home is where the family is, not where the house is, because if you have your family and you’re all together, then no matter where you are, you’re creating your home. That was important to me so that’s how we always did it and managed it.

DAY 2 • • • Q: What was it like to be in this industry while raising a family? How did you balance it out? A: Tom and I tried to not work at the same time. So while Tom was doing a movie, I wasn’t working so I could travel with the family and be on location with him. And if I was working, then he would be home and staying with the family. We would always try to be together on those locations obviously, and sometimes movies shot over the summertime, so everybody could go on location together, that way the family was together. I sort of have this belief that home is where the family is, not where the house is, because if you have your family and you’re all together, then no matter where you are, you’re creating your home. That was important to me so that’s how we always did it and managed it.

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