Chris Cornell & Prince’s Similarities Revealed By Rock Hall of Famer


Nile Rodgers said his friendships with Chris Cornell and Prince were very similar in a new Diffuser interview.

“The last two years have been particularly… I don’t know how to say it… I want to say disturbing, but that’s not enough. They have thrown me off-balance. A lot of people have passed away and I certainly had no clue that it was coming. Most recently Chris Cornell, who was a really dear friend, and he was a friend in one of the best ways you can have a friend as a musician. We talked about music a lot, but we talked about life a lot.

This was the same kind of friendship I had with Prince; we both liked each other as musicians, but we talked more about life in general. These are friendships you really, really cherish when you are in a public business, friendships where you can leave that business behind for a while. Both with Chris and with Prince, it was off putting, so unexpected.”

He added, “On my Facebook page, for my 60th birthday, he put a really fantastic little video where he told me as long as I was around he was going to be around, that I was his inspiration. It was just so touching and wonderful. Then his death, I just don’t get it, I just don’t get it.”