Take a walk through the desert. Feel the wind blowing as your soul unwinds. Listen to the chimes dancing. Free your mind.
I don’t mean go to an actual desert – I mean go see Dorothy perform.
Dorothy is an L.A. based band led by howling frontwoman, Dorothy Martin. Dorothy released their first album, Rockisdead, in June of 2016 to remind people that that is absolutely not the case at all. With a distorted, garage sound, pounding beats, and Martin’s wailing vocals, the fledgling band made a statement that they were the real deal.
While working on a second album in the summer of 2017, Martin rearranged her entire band lineup and started new. The sound, the look, the entire vibe of the band went through a complete metamorphosis. And it’s amazing.
January 10, 2018, Alternative Nation attended one of the band’s enchanting Freedom Tour shows at the Bowery Ballroom. The whole night felt like a backward venture through a time vortex. Openers Wildstreet sported big, teased hair, a lot of makeup, and headbanging. They draw obvious influences from bands like Motley Crue, Posion, and Cheap Trick – in which they covered the hit, “Surrender.”
Next up was Dorothy. The band came out and positioned themselves onstage, playing a soft intro while Martin held up a lighter. Think of “The End” by the Doors.
She made her way to the front of the stage and delivered a sermon about freedom as her hair blew in her face and smoke curled itself around the stage and into the crowd. Then, they tore into their first track.
The tour they are currently embarking on is in support of their upcoming record 28 Days in the Valley. They played some new songs, including “Naked Eye,” featured on the soundtrack for Linda Perry’s military documentary Served Like a Girl. They rose hell as they played some Rockisdead songs as well, known well by the loyal occupants of the audience. These tracks sounded even better played by the current rendition of the band.
The show was phenomenal. Despite Martin announcing that she was sick, she didn’t miss a note. The band has an obvious chemistry that goes deeper than just music. Their aesthetic is nostalgic of the late 1960s, and the spirituality of their performance radiated was enough to make you feel like it actually was that time. Martin gave a couple more inspirational dialogues throughout the show, imploring her fans that love is the most important thing we obtain in life.
It is obvious that Martin has gone through changes not only as a musician, but as a person in general. The style and demeanor of herself and the band now is a great step forward from what it formerly was, and we can only hope to continue seeing it blossom.
Grab tickets to a Freedom Tour show, you won’t regret it. And be on the lookout for 28 Days in the Valley when it drops in March.