Tool drummer Danny Carey discussed the band’s new album in a new Kerrang interview.
“All I can say is when you listen to Opiate, Undertow, Enima, Lateralus, and 10,000 Days, to me they all sound like Tool records. We hope we’re getting better at what we do – it’s all an extension. [The new material] definitely sounds like Tool, but it’s an evolution. It’s one of those things that I leave to the journalists for when we release it – they’ll say it’s this or that.
When people ask me what’s my favorite song or Tool record, I’m always like, ‘Dude, it’s all the fuckin’ same to me!’ The old ones are just from a different moment in time. But none of the songs would be on there unless I thought they were all equally badass. And it’s the same with Legend Of The Seagullmen. I’m not going to play on no bullshit – I don’t have to do that anymore (laughs). You get to a point as an artist where you try to refine your craft and get better at what you do. I choose to be as open as possible, increasing my vocabulary to do justice to each musical moment.
But it’s a Tool record and therefore exactly the same thing – me, Adam, and Justin are all meeting up in a new place. There’s no preconceived thing about it. It will be another Tool record, just like this is a Seagull record. We’ll probably make more Seagull records by the end (laughs). You have to wait and hear it. I can’t judge it, I’m too far inside! Hopefully it will be a mind melter…otherwise I better quit!”