Drunk Fan Falls Off Stage At Guns N’ Roses Concert


Times of Israel reports that a fan was injured at Guns N’ Roses’ show in Tel Aviv, “Some Hebrew media reports said that the woman, in her late 20s, appeared to be drunk when she tried to climb up the side of the stage during the performance. She then fell off and injured her head.

Medics at the show gave her first aid and she was transferred to Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital while unconscious and on a respirator. However, medics said her injuries were not life threatening.

In total, 55 people required treatment at the show, according to the Ynet news site.”

Guns N’ Roses have scrapped a sightseeing trip to Jerusalem ahead of a Saturday night (July 15) concert in Tel Aviv following a terror attack.

Noise 11 reports that GNR canceled a trip to Jerusalem, “Axl Rose and his bandmates were planning to visit the holy city on Friday (July 14), but the rockers’ walkabout plans have been derailed by a shoot-out between terrorists and police.

Reports suggest three Palestinians were shot and killed as they opened fire on police officers outside the holy site of Temple Mount. Two Israeli cops also lost their lives in the early morning incident on Friday.

Temple Mount was closed following the deadly shoot-out for security reasons, and all activities at the site were suspended.

Guns N’ Roses aides felt a Jerusalem city tour following the drama would be insensitive and cancelled plans.”