Eddie Vedder Humiliated At Pink Floyd Concert


Eddie Vedder isn’t usually known for starting beefs or being embarrassed by others. If anything, within the musical realm, Vedder is much more of a pacifist. When it comes to politics, that’s a much more of a different story. Eddie Vedder is respected heavily in the world of music and for good reason. Not only has Eddie Vedder shown himself as an artist and humanitarian, but Eddie has been respectful since the start to those who came before him.

At a recent show at the Forum in LA, Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam played a packed show. As with the usual for the band, Eddie reflected on times that have come and past. It’s no shock that Eddie Vedder has lived a life that has been full enough for an entire bloodline. During the show, Eddie Vedder told stories about his time coming up. In one of the conversations that Eddie had with the crowd, he talked about a very embarrassing time that featured the legendary band that are Pink Floyd.

We at Alternative Nation were lucky enough to be in attendance at the show and we got an inside scoop of the banter. Eddie Vedder spoke to the crowd as he discussed driving to a Pink Floyd ‘The Wall’ tour show at the Forum in Los Angeles with a friend.

During this speech, he implied that he and the friend who he went along with smoked marijuana in the car, and then the friend realized he forgot the tickets to the Pink Floyd show. The friend then only had money to buy one ticket off a scalper, so he bought one for himself.

Eddie was devastated and had to sit in the car missing the show. Eddie then asked the crowd to look at where he is now – playing at the Forum in LA with Pearl Jam.