Eddie Vedder Supports Assault Victim At Concert


At Pearl Jam’s concert in Marlay Park, Dublin, Eddie Vedder, the band’s lead singer, made a powerful statement in support of assault victim Natasha O’Brien. Addressing the crowd directly, Vedder highlighted the protests in Dublin earlier that day, giving more emphasis to the importance of women’s rights, safety, and equality.

“It’s been brought to the forefront, which is a very positive thing,” said Vedder. “About women’s rights, women’s safety and some equality would be nice too.”

Vedder was actually reflecting on the demonstrations held in solidarity with Natasha O’Brien, a 24-year-old woman from Co Limerick who was brutally assaulted by Cathal Crotty, a member of the Irish defense forces. Crotty received a three-year suspended sentence, sparking outrage and calls for tougher action against perpetrators of violent crimes against women across Ireland.

Eddie Vedder encourages protests

Vedder also gave encouragement at the presence of men joining the protests and urged the Irish judiciary system to do more to protect women.

“You know, there was lots of good men walking in the march too,” he said. “We gotta ask these judges too to protect our sisters, our daughters, our mothers, our wives. And it might be a good idea to have some more female judges too.”

Eddie Vedder’s words resonated with the thousands who marched in Dublin, Cork, and Galway, demanding justice and societal change in the wake of Natasha O’Brien’s ordeal. The singer’s support pretty much gave a ton of emphasis to a collective call for greater accountability and measures to safeguard women from violence in Ireland.

In related news, Eddie Vedder was also especially hard on a Pearl Jam producer in the past at the beginning of their relationship, despite their strong bond.