Dave Grohl let a fan play his guitar during “Monkey Wrench” in Bonner Springs, Kansas last night. It was the first time in 2 years a fan came onstage.
Bullz7210 posted on the Foo Fighters Reddit, “I was in the pit but this girl must have been on the other side. Before the clip Dave said something about how people always bring signs and he hasn’t done this in awhile but hers said she wanted to play Monkey Wrench.
He asked her what instrument she wanted to play then invited her up to play it. She did great. Also you can’t tell from the video but there was some kind of bird / bat on stage flying around, thats what Dave keeps dodging.”
A fan named Matthew commented, “That’s awesome. Looks like you guys get pretty much the same set list as Saint Louis, but we got Aurora and you got Nausea with Violet Grohl.”
Mark Smith said, “How tf do random people just get on stage with the Foos and absolutely kill it? It amazes me.”