Gene Simmons Details Elvis Insulting The Beatles


According to the legendary bassist and co-founder of KISS, Gene Simmons, the relationship between Elvis Presley and The Beatles wasn’t as harmonious as fans might hope.

In a recent interview on the Sit Down with Michael Franzese podcast, Gene Simmons shared a fascinating story about an awkward meeting between these two musical powerhouses. And apparently, Elvis wasn’t exactly a fan of the British invasion.

Gene Simmons has always been vocal about his love for music history. During the podcast, Gene was asked if he had attended The Beatles’ first-ever concert at Shea Stadium in New York City—a groundbreaking moment in rock history. Gene admitted that, unfortunately, he missed it. But what came next was even more intriguing.

Simmons shifted the conversation to an unexpected anecdote involving Elvis Presley and The Beatles—a meeting that, according to him, didn’t go quite as smoothly as fans might imagine.

Gene described a tense encounter between Elvis and The Beatles in Los Angeles. The year was 1965, and The Beatles were at the height of their fame, touring America and solidifying their status as global superstars. Elvis, meanwhile, was still a towering figure in music and film, but the rise of The Beatles marked a seismic shift in pop culture.

According to Gene Simmons, Elvis wasn’t thrilled about The Beatles’ success. In fact, Simmons claimed that Elvis was “suspicious” of the Fab Four and didn’t like the idea that they were becoming bigger than he ever was.