Guns N’ Roses Ignored Offer From Ex-Member To Open On Reunion Tour


In a new Appetite for Distortion interview, former Guns N’ Roses bassist Tommy Stinson revealed that he threw out the idea to open on the band’s Not In This Lifetime tour with one of his projects, though it is unclear how many shows he mentioned. Alternative Nation transcribed his comments.

“It would be funny, and I’ll be honest with you, I actually threw that out there to them awhile ago (laughs). Because I figured hell, it doesn’t hurt to ask right, we’re all still friends, what the hell. But no, I never heard back from that, which is fine, I totally understand that, they’re doing their own thing and stuff.”

He later added, “You never know, anything could happen, right?”

He also discussed meeting Duff McKagan.

“When I met with him, I met with him well before he was back in the band, we just met together for a coffee just to shoot the breeze. We had some mutual friends who hooked that up, it was in Burbank, we met in Starbucks, and it turned out that one of his bands early on had opened a Replacements show in Seattle. I didn’t know that, we had a chat about it, and had a laugh. He was always very cool to me, and a very good guy, I always liked him as a guy and a player. After meeting him initially, we’d once in awhile throw out a text to each other. It’s always been kind of cool to know him.”

Tommy also discussed a special charity event happening in May – Safe At Home–A Benefit For Hudson Little League. The two events will include live music from a plethora of national and regional musicians with all proceeds raised going to the Hudson Little League Association. The first event will be held at Hudson Brewing Company on Saturday, May 5th featuring Tommy’s “Cowboys in the Campfire.” The second event will be held at Club Helsinki,on Saturday, May 12th with Bash & Pop. For more information on the benefits please visit and

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Listen to “Ep. 59 – Tommy Stinson, The Replacements/Guns N' Roses/Bash & Pop” on Spreaker.