Guns N’ Roses Member Reveals Sad Truth About Michael Jackson


Guns N’ Roses guitarist Slash revealed in a new Kerrang interview that sadly Michael Jackson was ‘at the mercy of his own success.’

“Onstage, his whole professional thing was really where he clicked. When he wasn’t working, or in production or whatever, it was then you could see that he was sort of at the mercy of his own success. All the people he had around him, the tugging, and the yes people, you could tell that he knew 90 per cent of them were full of shit. I felt sorry for him in that sense. I did a couple of shows with Michael in Tokyo and saw how this whole massive fucking thing worked, and he was the centre of it.

The only time I really felt like he was in any kind of comfort zone was when he was actually onstage. Right after that, Guns came to town and did our shows and our success was massive, but it wasn’t as overwhelming as what Michael was going through. It was just an interesting light, looking at the two things and being careful about what you wished for.”

The Guns N’ Roses fan podcast Appetite for Distortion released a new episode on Friday: This episode features a candid interview with Styper frontman, Michael Sweet. With a different approach than GNR and Axl, Michael is very transparent with his beliefs, lyrics, and message.

Michael updates us on new Stryper music, a solo record, and a documentary in the works. How do we compare a Christian metal band to Guns? Only one way to find out…

Listen to “Ep. 106 – Michael Sweet talks Stryper, Documentaries, and GNR Cross” on Spreaker.