Back in episode 66 the Guns N’ Roses fan podcast Appetite For Distortion spoke with bassist James Hunting about the short-lived, yet important band, The Outpatience. An album including the late West Arkeen and George Baisch, who both died before the record came out.
Now Appetite For Distortion’s guest in episode 75 is Gregg Buchwalter, the keyboardist for The Outpatience’s “Anxious Disease.” In the episode, he discussed West Arkeen being rejected from joining Guns N’ Roses, despite receiving songwriting credits. Alternative Nation transcribed Gregg’s comments.
“Unfortunately in LA at that time, MTV was happening, and everyone wanted band members that had a look, and poor West. Brilliant guitar player, was really thrilled that his friends in Guns N’ Roses were playing some of his tunes, and writing with him and shit. They wouldn’t let him in the band because he was too short and fat. He didn’t look right.”
“His girlfriend told me. She said, ‘He’s asked them a bunch of times to join the band, but they told him, ‘No, you’re too short and fat man, you don’t look right.’ Isn’t that sick?”
“He was a great guitar player man, really good.”
Listen to the full interview below.
Listen to “Ep. 75 – Gregg Buchwalter, The Outpatience/West Arkeen” on Spreaker.