While Slash has big plans with the Conspirators in 2019 following the release of Living the Dream on September 21st, according to a MyGNRForum.com insider who has broken news in the past, GNR will not remain completely dormant in 2019 like some have speculated.
downzy posted, “I’ve heard there’s a lot of activity below the surface. I don’t expect Guns to be done anytime soon, even if there’s periods where the public doesn’t seem much happening.”
Slash told Blabbermouth last week, “We’re going to do the U.S. this fall, and then I’ll be out with Guns N’ Roses in in November and December,” Slash says. “Then we’ll get together and do Europe, and after that it’ll be South America, Australia… we’ll try to hit as many places as we can. Because as much as I enjoy the writing and recording process, when I’m creating music it’s always with the intent that it should be played in front of an audience. For me, that’s always the endgame — to get out there with the band and perform the music live. That’s what I love the most.”
Axl Rose is rumored to be recording a new album with AC/DC as his next project following a successful 2016 tour with the band.
The Guns N’ Roses fan podcast Appetite for Distortion has released a new episode:
Back in episode 66 we spoke with bassist James Hunting about the short-lived, yet important band, The Outpatience. An album including the late West Arkeen and George Baisch, who both died before the record came out. It also features the last known studio track with Axl Rose and Slash, neither knowing the other was on it.
Now our guest in episode 75 is Gregg Buchwalter, the keyboardist for The Outpatience’s “Anxious Disease.” He painfully recalls the losses of his friends West and George, while going through the recording process with Izzy, Axl, and other Guns N Roses’ members who were featured on the album.
Gregg’s adventure features a lot challenges, but shares tales of triumph, including working with the iconic Ray Charles. This and so much more in episode 75 of Appetite for Distortion. Please follow/subscribe/leave a review!
Listen to “Ep. 75 – Gregg Buchwalter, The Outpatience/West Arkeen” on Spreaker.