Howard Stern Awful Mick Jagger Performance Savagely Mocked


Howard Stern did his best Mick Jagger impression and sang a cover of The Rolling Stones classic “She’s a Rainbow” earlier this week, and he was mocked by Robin Quivers. recapped: After the break they played The Rolling Stones ”She’s a Rainbow” as they were coming back. Howard came back and sang along with the song a bit. Howard asked what Robin is laughing at. Robin said she’s not sure what he’s singing. Howard said he’s singing with the Stones. He said what a great song that is.

Howard said he was going to drive into Manhattan and do a half hour on WPLJ. He said he wanted to be a guest DJ. Robin said they would have said yes to that. Howard said he wanted to call in with Scott Shannon but then he figured he was being an asshole. He said he called there asking what they thought and they told him to just do his own show there.

Howard took a call from a guy who was calling from Florida. Howard asked what the temperature is down there. The guy said it’s like 81. Howard said that’s great. The caller said it can get hot there in New York. He said it gets very humid down in Florida. Howard said he needs the heat of the sun. He said he must be a lizard. He said it got so hot out that he was itchy. He said he just feels good there. He said his skin feels better there. Robin said it has rained so much up there. She said that Howard dragged her there to New York. Howard said his mother is the one who thinks it’s great there. He said she never even leaves her house. Robin asked what’s so great about New York. Howard said if you like to go out then it’s great. He said he don’t love any of that. Robin asked about the peeing in the subway and all of that. The caller said that’s why he goes to New York.