Is John Frusciante Leaving Red Hot Chili Peppers After New Album?


John Frusciante revealed his intentions to stay with Red Hot Chili Peppers after their second new album this year in a new Rick Rubin podcast interview.

“I feel like I’m just warming up. I’m looking forward to the next year and stuff.”

RHCP fans are reviewing Return of the Dream Canteen on Reddit. Username207 posted, “My honest review? I thought it was okay. Interesting to listen to and some nice moments but lacking that magic the older albums gave me. I’m sure it will grow on me over time but I’m just a bigger fan on their older post punk / funk sound. Anthony’s choruses and melodies aren’t hitting as hard for me. I’m a massive fan of Johns guitaring but can’t say I’ve wanted to learn any of the riffs from any of these newer songs (except white braids). I dont think its a bad album and its incredible that they are still so creative at this point in their life.”

19noname86 wrote, “I don’t know why but I was immediately drawn to the melodies on this album – much more as in the case of UL. Currently on my third listen through the album and I can already say that I like it more than UL. Anthony’s vocal melodies seem much more connected to the music, John’s harmonies are sublime, Flea and Chad deliver big time. And they still manage to surprise me (wasn’t expecting that after UL). Also the layering of instruments is much more creative than on UL. There are hidden guitar, horn or synth parts everywhere in the mix – great!

Peace and Love chorus must be one of the sweetest pieces of music they have written in recent years, Bella is one of their best songs in the last 20 years imo. I danced around to the funky parts of Fake as Fu@k like a maniac, I enjoyed it that much. Lax8 and In the Snow are hauntingly beautiful and new ground for the band at the same time.”