Jerry Cantrell Reveals Last Time He Used Drugs


It is no secret that the main songwriter of rock band Alice in Chains, Jerry Cantrell has dealt with substance abuse in the past during his legendary career. Jerry Cantrell had previously revealed the false headlines about Chris Cornell and Layne Staley, who also suffered substance abuse. 

Tom Morello, during his Maximum Firepower podcast, discussed the struggles of the people out there who are suffering from addiction of drugs with Cantrell.

Jerry Cantrell reveals how long he has been clean

Morello spoke about knowing Jerry Cantrell throughout his entire career and also noted Cantrell’s drug abuse. He spoke about drug addiction and recovery. He asked Cantrell if he had any advice to give to the ones who are struggling and suffering from the issues such as depression or addiction of drugs. Alternative Nation transcribed Cantrell’s comments.

“Well I mean, I think the main thing is just to know that it’s okay to say that you can’t handle it anymore, and to raise your hand and surrender like, ‘okay, yeah I’m done, I’m cooked here, I need some help.’  That’s the hardest thing for any of us, I’m sure you’ve experienced that yourself too.”

Cantrell revealed that next year July, it will mark his 19th year that he has stayed clean. Here is what he added:

“The hardest thing is to help yourself and you know, I think a lot of part of achieving sobriety and maintaining sobriety is keeping yourself open to be of service and to be of help to somebody in need. Because you know how hard it is to make those first initial steps and if you’re the guy to stick around, I mean for me July next year will be 19 years for me.”   

Cantrell just released his solo album Brighten, with plans to tour next year behind the album.