Actor and comedian Jim Carrey recently joined in for an interview with Kevin McCarthy, a film critic and entertainment reporter for Washington D.C.’s Fox 5, who has been on the press junket for the second “Sonic The Hedgehog” film. The actor reflected on the first time he was exposed to the music of the legendary heavy metal band Pantera.
Jim Carrey Was Spotted With Metal Icon At Hotel
During the interview, Carrey opened up about the experience of listening to Pantera. He recalled the first time he heard the band was when he was driving down to San Diego to do a concert at a theater. He then revealed how it was an awkward moment when he saw the band the same hotel he had checked in for the show.
He said: “The first time I ever heard Pantera, I was driving down to San Diego to do a concert at a theater and to check in to a hotel. And me and my manager, Jim Miller at the time, we put Pantera on. And I had never heard anything like it. And it hit me on such a level of, like, extreme stimulation that I just started laughing uncontrollably for the entire track. Just like nervously laughing, like, ‘What is happening right now?’ And then we went to check in to the hotel, and the guys behind us in the line checking in to the hotel were Pantera. We turned around and we went, like, ‘Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?’ This is too weird, man.”