Former Guns N’ Roses guitarist Bumblefoot said on the Brutally Delicious podcast about getting Brian May on his new album, “We’ve crossed paths in the past, and I asked. With anybody, you ask, and if they say yes, they say yes; if they say no, they say no. And if they say no, they don’t need [to give] an explanation or anything. That’s okay.”
He mentioned that Steve Vai and Guthrie Govan also make appearances on “Bumblefoot …Returns!”, Thal said: “I was fortunate where I didn’t want a lot of guests. I didn’t want this to be like this variety show with a billion guests and everything. Just certain songs seemed like they needed a certain spirit to complete them. And it was very obvious, to me, when I did the song. It was, like, ‘There’s only one person that could make this song just put the icing on the cake’ — I should say ‘put the cherry on top’. I asked Brian, and he’s such a wonderful soul, such an amazing person. And he did it, and it’s wonderful. And Steve Vai and Guthrie, old friends. [Derek] Sherinian was easy — we’re in how many bands together; we’re constantly working together. It was, like, ‘Hey, you wanna play in it?’ ‘Sure.'”
“There was only one person that I asked that they listened to the song and said, ‘It sounds like the song is finished and I don’t think there’s anything I can add to this.’ That is the song ‘Griggstown Crossing’. There is one person that I thought would have really been just right for that song: Joe Walsh. What he said was that he felt like the song was done and he had nothing to add to it. I disagree. So what I did is what I imagined him doing. I used a talk box and did a solo with a talk box, and instead of a slide, I did it all on fretless. So I did a fretless talk box solo, what I envisioned his approach would be. So that was definitely inspired by him, Peter Frampton, all the talk box greats.”