Kurt Cobain’s Daughter Meets Lana Del Rey After Telling Her To Not Glorify Death


Kurt Cobain’s daughter Frances Bean Cobain was recently photographed with her mother Courtney Love and Lana Del Rey.

In 2014, Lana Del Rey told The Guardian discussed her death wish. When Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse were brought up, and The Guardian connected the two by their deaths.

Del Rey – whose breakthrough album was titled Born to Die, discussed her death wish. “I don’t want to have to keep doing this, but I am,” she said. And by “this,” she said she meant “everything.” “That’s just how I feel,” she said. “If it wasn’t that way, then I wouldn’t say it. I would be scared if I knew [death] was coming, but. . . ”

Frances Bean Cobain then reacted on Twitter, mentioning Del Rey in tweets. “I’ll never know my father because he died young, and it becomes a desirable feat because people like you think it’s ‘cool.’ Well, it’s fucking not. Embrace life, because you only get one life. The people you mentioned wasted that life. Don’t be one of those people. You’re too talented to waste it away.”

After a Lana Del Rey fan tweeted at Frances Bean to “leave her the fuck alone,” she clarified her tweets. “I’m not attacking anyone,” she wrote. “I have no animosity towards Lana. I was just trying to put things in perspective from personal experience.”

“It’s all good,” Del Rey tweeted back at Frances Bean. “[The interviewer] was asking me a lot about your dad. I said I liked him because he was talented, not because he died young. The other half of what I said wasn’t really related to the people he mentioned. I don’t find that part of music glam either.”

Everything appears to be good now between the two. View the photo below.