Liam Gallagher Savagely Mocks Smashing Pumpkins Tour


The Smashing Pumpkins are expected to announce a summer North American tour on Monday with Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds and AFI, and Noel’s brother and former Oasis bandmate Liam Gallagher is already mocking the tour, coming up with his own name for it: The Pumpkins N’ Potatoes Tour. He also mocked Noel for going back to a major label to work with Oasis producer Dave Sardine.

“So news reaches me all the way across these fine shores that the little mug is working with Dave sardine again now tell me this would this be the record your putting out on a major label ie Warner’s ooh thought you were mr independent mr I do everything on my own mr I am the boss.”

A fan tweeted, “I’m having an awful night not sleeping, thanks for your tweet Liam. Hope it makes me feel better.”

Liam responded, “What’s up wit ya get that who built the moon on you’ll be away in seconds trust me my friend told me it’s a snoozer.”

A fan asked, “would you go back to the nineties?”

Liam responded, “No I’m still in them.”

A fan tweeted, “Sober and clean five weeks Liam fancy a cuppa x.”

Liam responded, “It’s shit in it bet your well bored.”

A fan tweeted, “Tour announcement Monday with the Pumpkins, North America. Will you be coming out to play here this summer as well?🙏🏼”

Liam responded, “Pumpkins n potato’s what ever nxt.”

A fan tweeted, “keep calm and drink beer.”

Liam responded, “Keep calm and sign to major labels.”

A fan tweeted, “Are you drunk or not.”

Liam responded, “I’m sober don’t fucking insult me.”

A fan asked, “Do you wanna kick Morrissey?”

Liam responded, “Nah I kinda like the misssrable old git.”

A fan tweeted, “Grow up.”

Liam responded, “Fuck off.”

A fan tweeted, “He has to earn money for his big house and tofu face masking. Don’t blame him!”

Liam responded, “Listen up Rasta I get it but don’t be banging on about how independent you are your not like the rest your like so independent you lick your own plates and wipe your own bum and fky your own kite and blow up your own balloons 🎈 dig.”