Lisa Marie passed away approximately three weeks ago and ever since rumors and news has circulated about everything from her marriage with Michael Jackson, to controversy within her family over a trust fund and more. Today, we are learning that Lisa felt protected during the Covid outbreak of 2020. What’s this all about? Let’s dive in and learn more…
As per TMZ, Lisa Marie Presley could not handle the stress leading up to the Golden Globes, because she had become used to feeling anonymous during COVID, and felt fully exposed during the roll up to the Golden Globes … sources tell TMZ.
Family sources tell TMZ … Lisa actually felt comfortable during COVID, because she could leave her home masked up and no one knew it was her … including paparazzi.
Lisa’s world was rocked to the core in July, 2020, when her son Benjamin died by suicide. As we reported, our family sources say were it not for her 14-year-old twins, Lisa would have followed in Benjamin’s path.
As she was dealing with her grief, we’re told Lisa did not want to be seen by anyone. On the occasions when she ventured out of her home, she felt protected with a mask covering much of her face … she was not spotted by anyone, and it proved comforting.
Lisa spend most of her time at home in 2021 and 2022, but 3 months before the Golden Globes, we are told she realized she would be a public centerpiece for the “Elvis” movie, and it freaked her out. This typically happens after someone has been isolated for some time. But then again, sometimes isolation is good. It protects one from all the nonsense and chaos looming on the outside.