Marilyn Manson’s New Album Heaven Upside Down Leak Is Here


Has It Leaked is reporting that Marilyn Manson’s new album Heaven Upside Down has leaked. They are reporting that one of the initial locations of the leak was a Marilyn Manson Brasil group on Facebook.

“Revelation 12” is a heavy 90’s throwback, it sounds like it could have been on Antichrist Superstar.

“Tattooed In Release” has a glammy industrial pop vibe, with heavy synth and keyboard use. In the song Manson sings about about unstable. Despite the pop and modern synth elements, it’s still sinister.

Fans have all heard “We Know Where You Fucking Live” by now, which is a Holy Wood spiritual successor.

“Say10” has brooding Nine Inch Nails verses, and an exploding chorus where Manson proclaims: ‘You say God/and I was Satan/say 10.’

“Kill4Me” is pretty much a straight pop song, at least for Manson standards. It’s the first track on the album to not explode into a heavy guitar part.

“Saturnalia” is nearly 8 minutes long, and very dancey. Like Manson told Josh Homme, you can’t play beats that confuse strippers. This definitely won’t. It also manages to be atmospheric.

On “Jesus Crisis” Manson sings about ‘sucking up snow white powder.’ He also sings, ‘If you wanna fuck I will fuck you/make up your mind or I’ll make it up for you.’ The track is a bit repetitive during its first half, but it picks up for the frenetic second half.

“Blood Honey” is very cinematic. Manson sings, ‘I fuck every crazy broken girl instead of hanging from a ceiling.’ This will definitely be a single.

Title track “Heaven Upside Down” opens up with acoustic and electric guitar, this track definitely has shades of The Cure. It’s one of the more upbeat songs at least sonically on the album. There are melodic female backing vocals on this track.

“Threats of Romance” is another change of pace, with piano and even some classic rock lead guitar thrown in.