San Francisco’s Revolushn have released their record Further.
In the vein of the opening track, the classic rocker “Dinosaurs”, many of the tunes on Further are upbeat retro-fusion tracks; “Weird Little Minds” is a strange but delightful fusion of The Doors and The Butthole Surfers, while “Dog Gets High” lives up to its title, delivering a psychedelic jam in the vein of 60’s and 70’s acid rock. “Man Who Knew Everything” continues this string of upbeat throwback jams, like a more garage rock version of the B-52’s.
“The River” mellows it down a bit, delivering an alternating jam between Mad Season-esque verses and a more driving, Live-esque chrous: “River, take me home”. “You Will Go” brings the fast pace to a total halt, offering a more introspective and quiet song led by a driving bass and drum beat, culminating in an eerie guitar solo. “All Is As It Should Be” unwinds after a fast opening into a psychedelic chant of the title.