Gwar were recently interviewed by Sofa King Cool, and they ripped Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose.
“Fuck Axl Rose. Fuck him hard.”
“He’s fat.”
They also praised movie executive Harvey Weinstein, who was recently accused of rape and sexual assault.
“I fucked Weinstein. I’m just waiting for all of the lawsuits to happen with us. I sexually harassed 6 or 7 people just today. I don’t see why you can’t use sex as a leverage to further someone’s career. They’re skills and traits just like anything else.”
“It’s a learned skill, you learn how to suck your way to the top.”
They also discussed President Trump and women.
“Why would anyone be happy to be here? Your President is Trump, the earth sucks, Europe is a police state.”
“Your women break really easily. They only have three holes. What am I supposed to do? I’m a hole short. Not only that but none of them have – well some of them have dicks. That’s true.”