My Chemical Romance Post Emotional Death Tribute


My Chemical Romance broke their silence on the death of their ex-drummer.

“It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to Bob Bryar, our former bandmate and an important part of the history of MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE.

“We send our deepest condolences to his friends and family at this time.

“May he rest in peace.”

A fan named Jessica wrote on Facebook, “ I work for the funeral industry, I have for almost a decade now… I’m seeing a lot of animosity and disrespect towards Bob’s passing and I can honestly say I’m disgusted. I’ll probably get s**t on for this post, so be it. But from what I have learned from my “job” is that death is just as precious as life and it should be treated with dignity, love, respect, and honor. I think Gerard, Mikey, Frank and Ray would also be appalled at the disrespectful things that are being said about Bob. Those hurtful words, aren’t what we, the fans stand by and/or should tolerate. Bob has made mistakes, that is true. But, he, like anyone of us, also deserves respect during his passing. Please try and be kind, I can’t imagine seeing the hate being said about my deceased loved ones.”