New STP Singer’s Tribute To Scott Weiland & Chester Bennington Will Melt Your Heart


New Stone Temple Pilots singer Jeff Gutt’s posted a new tribute for Scott Weiland and Chester Bennington on Instagram.

“Reflecting on 2017, the year that changed my life. All my preparation and self-training and discipline came together for the perfect opportunity. I’m beyond humbled and honored to be the singer for such an iconic band. One that had great influence on me musically. R.I.P. Scott and Chester. You’ll never be forgotten. #HappyNewYear2018.”

Robert DeLeo discussed Weiland in a recent interview about Core’s 25th anniversary with Bass Player.

“It’s tough celebrating something when the guy who was very instrumental in making it happen isn’t here now. Back then, I never would have imagined that Scott wouldn’t be here today. It would have been nice for us all to enjoy this time now, because we did make something truly special together. And here I am 25 years later talking to you about it, so it must have been special for other people, too. It’s incredible when you put that in perspective.”

He also said, “I have a lot of feelings and emotions toward it. Those songs can bring me a memory and send me back to very specific places when I hear them now. It seems like a long lifetime ago. It was a very exciting time for the four of us when we finally had a chance to make a real record and make a real statement. I look back at it very fondly.”