Nine Inch Nails Announce Industrial Festival Lineup


Nine Inch Nails have chosen an industrial inspired lineup for their Hellfest stage in 2022.

NIN tweeted, “Sometime over lockdown, @hellfestopenair asked us to come up with a great lineup for our stage… and they pulled it off! We’re excited to share the stage with these bands.

Nine Inch Nails
Clisson, FR
June 24, 2022”

Njackso2 recently posted on NIN’s Reddit about rumors of a new song being released on cassette, “Did anyone buy the cassette tape? Did you receive it yet? What is this new song? Will you share it…? Pretty Please? Did I miss a post on this? I needs to hear it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone help me out.”

BackgroundArgument9 posted, “It wasn’t real. It was just an inside joke put up at the same time as the few CD releases they added. Basically they found a pallet or two of CDs and are flogging them cheap so they put up some ‘rarities’ like tape, 8 track and LD.

AFAIK a few select people who got the blue Sunday received an empty packet and ‘customs’ letter but nope, that stuff was never ‘Available’.

There’s a huge thread on it here if you search.”

njackso2 said, “Thanks! Very familiar with the blue Sunday thread – was really hoping this one was more real lol.”