Nine Inch Nails Reveal Plan To Make New Music ‘More Accessible And Sexy’


Trent Reznor discussed new Nine Inch Nails music in a new WARP interview.

Speaking of music, when they started writing Not The Actual Events, did they consider that the project would become a trilogy of EPs instead of an album?

TR: “Before we started working on the album we talked about many things and we agreed that it would be worth dividing the next album into three small parts. The first thing we thought was that it would be interesting; Part of the decision was that people would approach music, we thought about the way in which discs are consumed today and we concluded that it would be easier to listen to a piece of 25 minutes than a disc of one hour. We wanted to make it more accessible and “sexy”.

“We chose to concentrate on very general things that did not need a lot of time, without stress, because one of the intentions is that Not The Actual Events is a blow to the face, which made the process go faster, we did not have to hide in the I study for a year or 18 months without launching anything, turning everything into something more episodic. This allowed us to work in Add Violence in the direction it was and in the third LP. »

Trent, how did you manage to write such a visceral, furious and obscure material as Not The Actual Events without being stuck in addictions or depression problems?

TR: “We started writing it and we did not know what it was for a year, more or less. We learned that sometimes unexpected things can be inspiring. I think we had the idea of ​​going down that road and ended up with 70 demos. In the end we discarded almost everyone in this exploration of styles and production, everything came to my head in small parts so I took the guitar and looked for something different from what I did in the era of Hesitation Marks, where we are more interested in developing it with electronic music .