Former Nine Inch Nails drummer Josh Freese shared a bizarre Van Halen meme he created on his Instagram story, featuring a guy grossly smoking. David Lee Roth, who has floated Van Halen reunion rumors, recently made a massive surgery revelation.
Van Halen frontman David Lee Roth discussed his dog Russ, who passed away recently, on a new episode of The Roth Show.
“I got Russ from a farm up near Fresno. The farmer who sold him to me says, looks at me you can tell he thinks he’s a lot smarter than me because I’m a musician. Probably thinks he’s a little bit smarter than he actually is…
He says going back dogs tied the back, you want the dogs 2.00 bucks… I walked in them back I saw the dogs, there is Russ. I go ‘Hey boy!’ Dog looks up to me and goes, “Hey I know you! I know what you’re thinking and I’m thinking the same thing. A thousand bucks for a fucking talking dog.”
The dog looks at me and says I’m a national champion. I’ve won three Nationals. Fucking buy me down! Better believe it…”
MetalheadZone transcribed Roth’s comments. Roth also shared lyrics to a tribute song.
Your hairy little face.
No-one plays ball like you.
Let’s just sit here forever.
Let’s just sit here forever some more.
The mysterious noise.