Original Guns N’ Roses Member Reaches Out To Axl Rose


Founding Guns N’ Roses guitarist Tracii Guns reached out to Axl Rose on Twitter, complimenting the legendary singer on fronting AC/DC. Guns N’ Roses was formed in March 1985 by singer Axl Rose and rhythm guitarist Izzy Stradlin of Hollywood Rose, along with lead guitarist Tracii Guns, bassist Ole Beich, and drummer Rob Gardner of L.A. Guns.

Former Guns N’ Roses guitarist Izzy Stradlin has responded to rumors that he is not involved in GNR’s ‘Not In This Lifetime’ tour due to a limited money offer.


MSL has posted on GNRTruth regarding Izzy Stradlin’s status regarding his rumored involvement in the 2016 ‘Not In This Lifetime tour.

“As for the situation with Izzy, if it ever makes sense for both sides, I’m sure he’ll pop up eventually. There really wasn’t going to be a situation this go round that was going to make sense for both sides. Izzy is very secure financially and I’m sure you guys can understand why he wouldn’t want to be involved on a limited basis for limited money when he sees the others making so much. On the other hand, Live Nation bought the tour without Izzy and why would GNR want to throw a bunch of money at Izzy when it would just be flushing money down the toilet? doesn’t make any sense.”

MSL also recently posted:

“Axl, Slash & Duff are all going to make millions and know they don’t need anybody else. If Adler or Izzy want to make some cameos and make a nice little chunk in the process, I’m sure they’re more than welcome, but if they’re looking to make millions like the others, I don’t think that’s on the table.

I know the figure Izzy was offered and I think he maybe would have done it if it was in the past. But now with pie being so much larger after Slash’s return, an amount that may have been considered a good will gesture before, to Izzy may have now been considered an insult. He definitely wasn’t happy with how things played out and I don’t think GNR was happy about him going public.”