Pearl Jam Bandmate Heartbreaking Post Before Death Revealed


Brad and Satchel singer Shawn Smith died on April 5th, the same day as Kurt Cobain and Layne Staley died in 1994 and 2002 respectively. Smith died peacefully in his sleep. A Facebook post of Smith describing how he wanted to be remembered has now resurfaced, and it is eerie but touchingly poignant in light of his death.

On May 30, 2014, Smith wrote, “I dislike Rest In Peace. I don’t want to rest in peace, I want to soar like an eagle and have a glorious time!”

Soar like an eagle, Shawn.

Shawn Smith’s son announced over the weekend, “Hello everyone this is Shawn’s son dove and we wanted to let everyone know that my dad Shawn Smith has passed away it is so sad for everybody I miss him so much and I don’t even know how to express how much I love him he is an amazing dad and gave me all the love he has to offer and I think he’d want all of you to know he’s leaving his love for all of us, me and my mom both know how grateful he is for all of you. Thank you everyone and we’ll leave you with one of many beautiful Shawn Smith lyrics.

“Lover don’t walk away
without kissing my cheek,
Lover don’t walk away
Without saying I love you
Lover don’t pretend
That you are weak
Lover I know
Your’e stronger than me.”