Pearl Jam performed their first full length concert since 2016 on Tuesday night in Santiago, Chile. The band debuted their new single “Can’t Deny Me” live. Eddie Vedder dedicated the song to the victims of the high school shooting in Florida last month.
Eddie Vedder dedicated “Come Back” to Chris Cornell. Before the performance of the song, he said it was ‘for Chris.’ While Vedder discussed Cornell and paid tribute to him during his solo tour last year, this is the first time he has specifically said his name since his May 2017 death.
See clips of “Can’t Deny Me” and “Come Back” below, along with an extended live stream from the show, followed by the setlist.
Setlist via Sea from forums:
01. Release
02. Of The Girl
03. Low Light
04. Animal
05. Mind Your Manners
06. Hail Hail
(during the song Ed sees a women in the pit and asks Pete to take care of her)
(After the song ends the audience sings the Olé chant. Ed asks the audience to look out for each other and to look out for the ladies. There is a long ahead of us. Be safe okay? He goes on to address the audience in Spanish.)
07. Love Boat Captain (extended intro version)
08. Corduroy (extended version)
(Ed introduces la batería, the maestro Matt Cameron. EV addresses the audience in English and Spanish again)
09. Dissident
(Introduces Mike)
10. Even Flow
11. Present Tense
(more Spanish chat from Ed.)
12. Given To Fly
13. Garden (first time played in Santiago)
(introduces guitar genius Stone Gossard)
14. The Fixer
(“This is a gift, a loud gift from me and Mike McCready)
15. Eruption-(Edward Van Halen)
16. Lightning Bolt
(Premier live performance of recently released “Can’t Deny Me” from the upcoming Pearl Jam album)
17. Can’t Deny Me (Ed introduces the song in Spanish. Ed is aware that Chilean student protesters are supporting the Parkland students in Florida. He dedicates the song to the survivors the Parkland mass shooting and the protesters. He mentions Emma Gonzales and wishes her love and support. Ed plays a cowbell attached to a chair while he is singing)
18. Porch
Encore Break 1
(Ed gets a sign and mentions that there are some good singers in front of the hotel. He looks at the writing on the cloth sign and says “we are going to play this one for your dad.”)
19. Around The Bend
20. Footsteps
“Alright, This one’s for you…and Chris.”
21. Come Back
(Ed discusses Jeff in Spanish. About celebrating his birthday. Ed talks about him traveling around Chile. The audience sings him Happy Birthday in Spanish and English. Chef assistant and head of dressing rooms, Zack, gets a lot cake smeared on his head and back. Jeff seems to escape mostly unfrosted)
22. Crazy Mary-(Victoria Williams)
23. Do The Evolution
24. Better Man / Save It For Later-(Charley, Cox, Morton, Steele, Wakeling)
25. Black
26. Comfortably Numb-(Gilmour, Waters)
27. Alive (Ed gets a Chilean flag with Pearl Jam written on it and puts it on one of his monitors at the end of the song,
Encore Break 2
(Ed chats with the audience about how nice it has been to be in Santiago for a few days. He asks if they are coming to the other show. (Lollapalooza). He asks if he can keep a sign (tossed onstage?). He pretends to notice the crowd behind the stage and says “hold on” and runs back to sing the net song. The band isn’t set up to play to the back but only Boom and Matt can’t play to the back)
28. Last Kiss-(Cochran)
29. Baba O’Riley-(Townshend)
30. Indifference