A scheduled show of Pearl Jam might have been canceled recently. JimmyV recently posted on the Pearl Jam Ten Club forum that rumor has it that the Eddie Vedder-fronted band was scheduled to perform at the Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore, MD. But it might have been canceled now, according to new fan reports. It has been also noted that Pearl Jam is set to perform with Metallica this year.
Pearl Jam show could be canceled
It was posted on the forum that “According to the Facebook rumor mill today, if you call the Royal Farms Arena and ask about Pearl Jam you will be told the show has been canceled due to the renovation and will not be rescheduled. Don’t know how true any of that is but there are multiple posters claiming to have been told that.”
Due to the virus pandemic, Pearl Jam has yet to tour with their latest album ‘Gigaton’. However, they are already thinking about who they want to work with on their successor, and it involves none other than the pop star’s co-writer, Justin Bieber.
In a recent interview with NME, Eddie Vedder revealed that the band hopes to get into the studio with Andrew Watt, the influential producer who directed Vedder’s upcoming solo album, ‘Earthling’. In 2021, he took home a Grammy in the Best Non-Classical Producer category.
“We’ll make a record with Andrew, I think. We’ve already talked about it,” Veddersaid in the interview.
“You know, the pandemic came right when we were going on tour with the record ‘Gigaton.’ We had a lot of shows planned. Two-thirds of those concerts were even put on sale. So one thing we’ll do in 2022 is deliver on the promises of playing those shows.”
Although rescheduled dates have not yet been announced, Pearl Jam assured its fans that they plan to hit the road this May, but we’ll have to wait and see about this Baltimore show.