Pearl Jam Fans Upset About Last Seattle Concert


Pearl Jam fans have been anxious to see the band live again after nearly 3 years, and a new live show from 2018 streaming online led to some recent excitement.

JRollins67 posted on the Pearl Jam Reddit about the band’s second 2018 Seattle show being streaming on Nugs.

“It’s really disappointing that is such a short opening to watch this. Especially at those specs.

While I don’t condone piracy, I do think we should be able to save this somehow. Like on iTunes… when you buy a movie… that stays in your account to watch indefinitely. For 20 bucks I feel like this should be a bit more permanent in our collections.

With that said… has anyone figured out a way to save this to their local hard drive?”

Runninhillbilly commented, “I would pay a stupid amount of money to save the Philly 2016 show they did the stream of. Because I was there, and not only that, it was my first Pearl Jam concert and the best concert I ever went to.

The bootleg recording is nice and there’s a pretty solid indie one on youtube, but having the proshot thing would just be so much better.”

Imnotarobot_ok responded, “I’d buy it if possible.”