Pearl Jam expert dimitrispearljam has posted new 2018 tour rumors on the Ten Club forums. While he doesn’t have any information from sources on a new album, he offered his analysis along with more rumored details on the band’s 2018 tour.
“besides if there isn info or not about it…
i use common sense to it..2018 sa and europe..and i believe usa continensts in one many times this happen before,with out a new album? i think we have alot of chances for new music.”
“thats how it works..the thing is u need to tell something so people feel happy that something coming..its crazy to wait and nothing happen
i know all want more infos ..its normail
but u cant tell obviously,cos u will not get infos again
and personally i dont like to fuck around and spread suck..i like to say sopmething that comes from real infos so people knows its legit and have something to wait for
i still rememmber wrigley 13,days before announcement..
tons of messages and posts here that the show is in septemper 13 laobor weekend
only 2 people me and another guy here was saying..nope,its 19th july..
was crazy to have the real deal,,the corrent inforamtion and tons of people posting,..i know for sure its in september!
i was.,wtf?who said that to peoiple and mislead them..?
and i tell u another exable,,i have tons of friend from scotland..they want so much a show there,,they post alot about it in social media..i feel like the doctor who have to tell the bad news..sorry,guys,.,i dont see that happening…
.we say in greece .’hope dies last’
fans and members love so much this band,.,want to see them live..not easy all to travel so they want a show in their state or country..and hope its what holds them,,,so when their country isnt in the tour,,sucks.after waiting..and read rumors around..i feel for them,,im from greece..1 show in 27 years..i know how it feels when u have nmothing to expect..and how it is,,when there is a fuckin hope tp see pj ..i know that hope feeling very well..i know all europeans fans will not be happy after announcement..cos cant play everywhere..but the info might
see them cos they coming to our continent..its happening,someone who is legit said it is priceless
personally i dont care to give hints.when i know. i do it for one reason when i know for sure..
this hope to become excitment cos will happen.its great the feeling to see its coming..cos im from country they will never come again
most if u are americans here,.,no need a passport to see the band…its not easy when u are from greece,or indonisia,or south africa and u love them so fuckin much.”
“its gonna be a looooooong year….
hail hail to then lucky ones who will go to tour!!”