Philadelphia rock radio station WMMR have been teasing since Monday that they could have new Pearl Jam music this week, and on Thursday they claimed to have it and played a song, but unfortunately it was a joke parody song. They said the song was called “Four Corners” and played it, and it was clearly a parody with an Eddie Vedder impersonator.
Despite the hoax, a host said that they had actually heard rumors about new Pearl Jam material being imminent, and that those reports weren’t a joke on their part.
“There’s a Pearl Jam account in Italy that actually helps break some Pearl Jam news around the world, PearlJamOnline Italia, and we’ve been talking about possible new Pearl Jam music all week, because we heard from Bill Weston there might be some, but the more we talk about it and the less that actual Pearl Jam music shows up, the more nervous I am about actually talking about it on air, because it’s just been rumors thus far, we haven’t actually had any.”
“The rumor is actually that there is new music from the band that is supposed to surface I guess this week, but whether that comes to pass or not, we will see.”
Watch the video from WMMR below.