Queen guitarist Brian May has announced that his cat Missy Mizzi is now safe after running away. May thanked his social media followers for help, after they have been ‘evil’ to him in the past. He named one follower specifically named Larry Bain.
“She’s back !!! Missy Mizzi is home safe ! THANKS so much to all you good folk who responded to this call for help. It makes me feel there IS hope for humanity – when we can all pull together to rescue good creatures, human and otherwise, from a heartbreak situation. Joy ! For more details please check @anneatsaveme – 💥💥💥💥 Mizzi was found about a mile and a half away – and had crossed many main roads – it would have been almost impossible to find her without help from the social media community.
The chap who phoned to say he had spotted Mia had seen her through the ‘grapevine’ of Social Media. THANK YOU LARRY BAIN ! And all of you who made that grapevine happen. At a time when we are all seeing many evils resulting from social media, it’s great to see a positive – reflecting the happy fact that most people, in fact, are decent and caring. Mozzi’s adopted sister Siamese, Mia, was very excited to see Mizzi back. Great story ! Thanks again folks.
💥💥💥💥 Anne (amazing CEO of Save-Me, who has rescued thousands of wild animals over the years) says : “She’s back found in Yockley, thin and very pleased to see us. She’s now home and wanting lots of cuddles and food. Losing lots of fur and dehydrated. Thank you so much to everyone who has contacted us. We have spent all night, this afternoon and this evening chasing sightings. People have been so kind from so many places and I am truly grateful for all the help and support . Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, it worked. We are very happy and all very tired. So blessed and just soooo very happy xxx “ Bri.”