A fan named crackersandseltzers recently uploaded a video on Reddit of Queens of the Stone Age singer Josh Homme slipping onstage and making an awesome recovery. He titled the topic: “This was troubling.”
noahjerickson posted, “I’m glad someone got this on video. It was a lot worse than this shows in my opinion. He was a little momentum and about half a step from falling right off the front.”
ACDecent posted, “I don’t know I’ve seen him do this so many times without incident, kind of flinging himself and his guitar across the stage. It just looks like a combination of him getting really into the music, his bad knee and a whole lot of tequila.”
crackersandseltzer posted, “Yeah. I’m not saying that the fact that he was flinging himself around was out of place, I was talking about the way he is moving before and after?”
ztiberiusd posted, “What’s so troubling about it? Honestly, he moves like that at most of their shows.”
crackersandseltzer posted, “I know? I still think it looks concerning…like look at the way he was / is moving before and after?”
ztiberiusd posted, “Yeah I get what you are saying. It’s super hard to tell if it’s him being super drunk/in pain, or just ‘flowing’ with the music though.”
BedevereThotSlayer posted, “Considering the show got cut super early with a good deal of the setlist and the encore missing, the worry is valid.”