Queens of the Stone Age’s Josh Homme Reveals Song He Wants Kids To Listen To After He Dies


Queens of the Stone Age frontman Josh Homme discussed Australia, his family, and his own mortality in a new interview with The Australian.

“I have a connection here because of my wife and her family,” Homme says. “I have this genuine interest in going where bands don’t go here. I’ve been up the Great Ocean Road, which was wonderful. As a motorcycle rider I have the fortunate ability to ride them out of the cities. I’ve done that here and I’ve done the same in NZ. Brody and I have ridden about and she has shown me places that are special to her.”

It’s clear from the way he talks how important family is to him. That’s also apparent on a couple of songs from Villains. The atmospheric Fortress and the closing epic ballad Villains of Circumstance are both informed by his children.

“They are songs for my little ones,” he says. “You have to draw something hopeful from what you do. I won’t last forever, but when I’m gone my kids will have Fortress. When they are 44 and I’m gone, it’ll be like I’m there.

“That’s the true power of music, that beam of light that has so much more power than other forms of expression. That’s how it is for me anyway. I’m not so good at writing letters or books. I don’t paint so good, but I definitely mean it with music.”