Rage Against The Machine Member Reacts To ‘Bring Back Zack’ And ‘Hatred’ From Fans


Prophets of Rage/Rage Against The Machine/Audioslave bassist Tim Commerford discussed fans writing ‘we want Zack’ in a new Leo Weekly interview.

What kinds of things do you hear from your hate mail?

“I really feel that a lot of the hate we’ve been getting has been directed at us because people think that we’re anti-Trump. There’s a lot of people that are angry at us because they feel like we should be anti-Hillary as well. I see a lot of, just, racist hatred. It’s hatred for the point of view that we have and hatred for the ethnicity that’s in the band. Then, there’s those who just love Rage Against the Machine and they hate anything that’s not Rage Against the Machine.”

It’s easy to go check out the message board for any one of our videos.

“‘Bring Back Zack,’ ‘What about White Lives Matter,’ ‘You guys are libtards,’ shit like that. I actually get a kick out of the hatred. The hatred fuels me. So when I hear how these people say these racist, sexist, fucking horrible comments, it just fuels me to want to do it more. As far as I’m concerned, bring it! You know you’re doing something right when people hate you.”