Rage Against The Machine Reject Bold Tool Demand


Rage Against The Machine guitarist Tom Morello revealed that Tool guitarist Adam Jones wanted him to go out with him to a bar in San Francisco to pick up on woman in a new interview on Riki Rachtman’s Cathouse podcast. A Zack de la Rocha attack recently devastated Tom Morello.

“I moved to Hollywood just after graduation, just to try to be in a metal band. I moved in the September of ’86, and there were videos, I’ve seen it in the magazines, and it was so alive, the Sunset Strip was crazy. I couldn’t afford to get in a club and I didn’t play in a band, but I would just sit at the stoop and watch it all go by and I thought, ‘Man, I’m gonna make it big here.’

So I put my ads in the music connection and all, ‘Everybody’s gonna want to be in my band’… and nobody wanted to be in my band, nobody. I had amassed a certain amount of skill on a guitar, but it was an era of, like, I thought if you played as good as Steve Vai, somebody will want you in their band. But, you had to look the part too.”

Maynard James Keenan recently reacted to a Van Halen drug accusation. Morello also said, “Actually, Adam Jones from Tool, he was a prosthetic makeup artist at the time, and he wanted me to be his wingman one night for some girls from San Francisco. I had a job, I was, like, ‘Dude, I’m totally beat, but alright.’ We were at the Super Dive Bar, and we saw the local band called Lock Up. And they didn’t look or sound anything like any of those bands, it was kind of rad.

Maybe a pinch of Aerosmith, but it was sort of like the early Chili Peppers, but then punk-rock, and their hair was shorter… So I followed that band and then, later on, we were rehearsing at the same place and at the time, they lost their guitar player, so I joined my favorite local band.”

Ultimate-Guitar transcribed his comments. The new Tool album release date is August 30th.