In “What the hell?” news, TMZ is reporting that Nancy Mack, wife of Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith, attacked actor/loud and proud Donald Trump supporter Scott Baio at a school function this past Saturday in California. Yes, you read that right.
The former star of Happy Days and Joanie Loves Chachi made several headlines throughout this past year leading up to the presidential election.
What is known of the incident is that Mack repeatedly demanded Baio explain how he could so strongly support someone who feels it is fine to “Grab women by the pussy.” Baio also told authorities that Mack did not let up despite children being present and went as far to grab and shake him. Mack defended her actions claiming she was trying to show him how Trump handles women.
Make no mistake about it, Americans are sharply divided over the upcoming Presidency of Donald Trump. There is no gray area in this debate. You’re either strongly for or strongly against him. Polarization personified. The star of Scott Baio is 45 and Single, like every other American is allowed to choose who and which party he supports. No one should be harassed in any way over their political choices.
Smith’s wife is entitled to her opinions as well, but perhaps should choose another way to express herself. There is an ongoing investigation into the situation by the Ventura County Sherriff’s Department.
Chalk this up as the craziest story you will hear today. For those keeping score at home; Joanie Loves Chachi. Chachi loves Trump. Nancy Mack does not love Chachi. Chachi is now 56 and not single. And we all love Chad Smith.