Rumored Cause Of Death For Cranberries’ Dolores O’Riordan


Yahoo and A Journal Of Musical Things are reporting a rumor that Dolores O’Riordan, the late lead singer of The Cranberries, died of fentanyl poisoning on Monday, a source in the London Police Department said according to the Santa Monica Observer.

Authorities found counterfeit fentanyl near the 46-year-old’s rocker’s bed, a source told the Santa Monica Observer. The source added that no official cause of death has been declared yet, saying that an official cause of death will be announced later with the toxicology report.

Police ruled O’Riordan’s death non-suspicious, meaning they found no evidence of foul play.

Note that larger sources are not reporting this, so it should be taken with a grain of salt as it seems largely based around The Santa Monica Observer (which isn’t a well known outlet), but Yahoo also posted a story about it.

The London coroner’s office has announced that late Cranberries singer Dolores O’Riordan’s cause of death will not be known until at least April.

The coroner’s officer Stephen Earl provided more details about the circumstances of O’Riordan’s death on January 15th at the age of 46.

“The London ambulance service was contacted and verified her death at the scene,” Earl told The Guardian; O’Riordan was found unresponsive in her London hotel room Monday. “Subsequently, the Met police attended and they determined the death to be non-suspicious.” Earl added that a postmortem exam had been carried out and that the coroners’ office was waiting on the results.

A rep for the Westminster Coroners’ Court told Rolling Stone that an April 3rd hearing has been scheduled to determine when to release their findings regarding O’Riordan’s death.