Scott Weiland’s Bandmate Allegedly Purchased Package After Concert


Alternative Nation has covered Scott Weiland’s death from every angle. We have posted numerous articles paying tribute to Scott Weiland’s legendary music, shown Mary Weiland’s point of view, posted stories on a friend of Tommy Black and Weiland’s defending Scott’s parenting and Black. I have also been told certain details about the story from insiders in confidence that I know are not appropriate to publish. It’s a sensitive and unfortunate story to have to be writing about.

A longtime Alternative Nation reader named Casper contacted me a few days after Weiland’s death, mentioning that he had seen some things take place behind the scenes at Weiland’s concert in Montclair, New Jersey last month, but that he did not feel comfortable sharing his story so soon after the tragedy. Casper e-mailed me over the weekend, prepared to share his story, along with a video filmed of Weiland outside his bus.

Finally got to a point where I can get this little story out. I feel like it’s important to piece together little bits here and there of his final days. This little narrative has some good and some not so good moments.

My buddy and I were at the Montclair show in Jersey. The performance overall was pretty solid. He sounded good. Moved around well. Set list was, of course, short and to the point. Not a lot going on and nothing outside the box. There was very little to any crowd interaction from Scott. But this really isn’t about the show itself, but what happens later.

After the show, we decided to bite the bullet and pay for the meet and greet: $300 for two. We meet Scott and he basically just stands there for a photo in front of the stage. He essentially refused to acknowledge us. I’m not going to elaborate much, but he didn’t look good. For $300, we each got a VIP laminate, Blaster poster (signed by Scott), and photo with him and Tommy. It literally took 30 seconds.

After the VIP nonsense, we decided to hang by the tour bus with hopes to get some other autographs (he refused to sign any other stuff at the meet and greet). I would say a handful of fans were lurking around, maybe 20 or so. After an hour or two, someone from his camp told us Scott won’t be coming out because he was tired and watching some UFC event or boxing match. Everyone left minus 5 or 6 of us. Around 1AM, Scott came off the bus with a few of the band members and staff. They were just hanging out, smoking cigarettes, and shooting the shit. Scott appeared for the first time all night to be happy. In his element. It was nice to see Scott being relaxed and himself.

Somehow Scott’s little group started talking about the Doors. Scott mentioned how he once fronted them at a show and how awesome it was. One guy started playing stuff from the performance off YouTube on his phone. Scott then randomly broke into a cappella and sang parts of Five to One and the Alabama Song (Whiskey Bar). It was surreal actually. Scott was actually happy and enjoying himself. He performed a short little solo set of the Doors for us. Well, it wasn’t for us. He didn’t seem to care there were 6 fans hanging near him. He didn’t interact or acknowledge us at all. But it was cool none the less.

Everyone got back on the bus shortly after. Scott ended up hanging in the front compartment to smoke one more cigarette. One kid, my buddy and I approached him on the bus and asked for an autograph. He refused, saying he already did a meet and greet. My buddy and I acknowledge that and showed our VIP passes. He hesitated and then begrudgingly signed one item for each of us. Scott finished his cigarette and disappeared into the bus for the night.

One more event occurred from the evening. Something I was going to keep to myself, but after he died, I knew it needed to be said. My buddy and I remained a little lounger just to chill out and talk about the whole experience. While we did that, Tommy Black came back to the bus. This isn’t long after Scott disappeared for the night. Tommy was with 3 girls. Apparently coming back from the local bar. The girls asked Tommy for money for a package he purchased off them. My buddy and I looked at each other. Tommy went on the bus, got some cash from one of the handlers and paid the girls.

And that was that. My last Scott Weiland event. I’ve seen Scott live at least once every year since 2005. I’ve seen him perform in the STP glory days as early as 2000 as well. I’ll miss him. I’ll miss the greatness, the complexity and the craziness. From top to bottom, he was and will always be, my music idol.

Alternative Nation reporter Mike Mazzarone also saw Black after the show with the three women mentioned in the article, when they were headed to the bar.