Soundgarden drummer Matt Cameron appears to have offered the first ever sneak peak at Soundgarden’s new material that was being worked on for a new album prior to Chris Cornell’s May 2017 death. The band had been writing and demoing for the followup to 2012’s King Animal, with plans to release it by the end of 2017. In some of his final interviews, Cornell indicated he was going to be focusing on finishing the album after Soundgarden’s spring 2017 tour.
Cameron shared a video from 2016 for Flashback Friday, leading to many fans commenting that they hope Soundgarden’s final material worked on with Cornell will see the light of day. According to many interviews conducted during Cornell’s last few years alive, it appears that Soundgarden demoed at least six new songs they considered to be very strong, but studio versions were never recorded.
There would be precedent for Soundgarden releasing the material, as Jeff Buckley’s Sketches for My Sweetheart the Drunk was released posthumously in 1998 following Buckley’s 1997 death. The album largely consisted of demos Buckley was working on for his next album. Buckley and Cornell were friends.
Watch Cameron’s new video below.