Filipino Stone Temple Pilots singer candidate John Borja posted the following on Facebook yesterday, “I received some good news today.. #DontStopBelieving.”
He also posted lyrics to the Phantom Planet song “California.”
“We’ve been on the run
Driving in the sun
Looking out for number 1
California here we come
Right back where we started from.”
Borja was reported to have come to California last year to audition for the Stone Temple Pilots singer job. It’s unclear if his new Facebook posts have something to do with STP or another musical project.
Former Filter guitarist Geno Lenardo claimed in May that he had watched Stone Temple Pilots perform at a rehearsal space with a new singer, who turned out to be Jeff Gutt.
Lenardo wrote, “Feeling blessed I just got to see my friends from Stone Temple Pilots play a really tight set of classics.”
He also said, “I can’t comment on who’s singing but I can tell you he is one of the finest musicians and singers I’ve ever known. STP will reveal it in their own time.”
The band’s setlist included: “Crackerman,” “Big Bang Baby,” “Big Empty,” “Plush,” “Interstate Love Song,” and “Piece of Pie.” “Coma” and “Pretty Penny” were crossed out of the setlist.
While Lenardo seemed confident that Gutt was getting the gig, STP did not make an announcement or comment on Gutt’s work with the band.