Ted Nugent Posts Offensive Holiday Hunting Photo


Ted Nugent has posted a hunting photo and wrote, “Happy Groundhog Day everyday everybody! Handsome young Caeden and Poppy doing garden security in the Connecticut wilderness!”

Last year, Nugent appeared on The Chuck Shute Podcast and discussed hunting, saying, “As a hunter, fisherman and trapper, I provide the most humane, conscientious, moral, quick death of anything that dies in nature. When you don’t hunt, disease runs in, distemper and rabies.”

“To be against hunting is to literally have no soul. You have no soul. And quite honestly, my son Rocco is a vegan and his new fiancée, they’re vegans. They have dietary considerations. I have no problem with that. I’ve never said, ‘You have to eat meat,’ but some of these nutcases go, ‘You’re cruel for eating deer,’” Nugent continued.

The singer added, “No, you’re cruel for being against a meaningful science-based harvest of the deer, because they’re having fawns now, and if I didn’t kill a bunch of deer on my swamp, there’d be no room for those fawns and they would eat all the prime vegetation and they would end up…”