Tool Member Takes Brutal Shot At A-List Model


Tool frontman Maynard James Keenan appeared to indirectly hit back at model Hailey Bieber after she defended her husband, Justin Bieber, following Keenan taking a sarcastic shot on Twitter at him after Justin praised Tool.

Hailey Bieber tweeted to Keenan, “He expressed he was a fan of your music. Grew up listening to your music. You must be unhappy with yourself that you want to make people feel small who express their admiration for you. Very childish and hurtful thing to do. I hope u find security within yourself. Sad place to be.”

Keenan has now posted a link to the Tool song “Hush” on Twitter, and while he hasn’t directly referenced Hailey in the post, many fans believe it has to do with the social media back and forth he is having with the Biebers. It appears to Hailey missed Keenan’s sense of humor in his initial tweet, as his “#bummer” message about Justin appeared to have his trademark sarcastic wit, as does linking to a song with the title “Hush.” Howard Stern recently weighed in on Maynard’s feud with Justin Bieber on his show. The new Tool album release date is August 30th.

Hush Lyrics:
F**k you
I can’t say what I want to
Even if I’m not serious
I can’t say what I want to.
Even if I’m not serious
Go f**k yourself
Go f**k yourself
You piece of shit
Why don’t you just go kill yourself?
I said
I can’t say what I want to
Even if I’m not serious
I can’t say what I want to
Even if I’m just kidding
People tell me what to say
What to think and what to play
I said
People tell me what to say
What to think and what to play
I said
F**k yourself
You piece of shit
You piece of shit
Why don’t you just go kill yourself?
I said
I can’t say what I want to
Even if I’m not serious
I can’t say what I want to