Top 10 WWE Entrance Themes In Attitude Era


WWE is riding high off the success of this past WrestleMania 40. With The Rock’s return, he is one of the few remaining superstars tying the current era of the WWE to its former late 90’s-early-aught’s Attitude Era.

Then known as the World Wrestling Federation, or WWF, the Attitude Era marked a drastic left-turn for the company away from more child-like-camp-laden antics and characters to a more controversial, tongue in cheek adult-oriented entertainment machine. The growing ”Monday Night Wars” with rival promotion WCW only served to force the WWE to repeatedly up the ante to provide the best in sports entertainment. And that they did; with WWE’s Monday Night Raw eclipsing WCW’s Monday Nitro on in 1998 after struggling the previous few years.

The Attitude Era had no shortage of memorable characters, chants, gimmicks and entrance songs. Songs and catchphrases that immersed themselves into the pop culture lexicon with relative ease and still remain to this day. Here is Alternative Nation’s Top Ten WWE Entrance Themes of The Attitude Era.

Honorable Mention: The Undertaker

Top 10 WWE Entrance Themes In Attitude Era

In 2000, The Undertaker went through a makeover of sorts. Gone was “The Deadman” and in his place was “The American Badass.” The Tombstone was replaced with The Last Ride. The long black robe was replaced with a biker’s outfit. In the one and absolute only good use ever of a Kid Rock song, The Undertaker hit the ground running to start the new millennium.

    1. Mankind

No one WWE Superstar was more endearing to the fans during The Attitude Era than Mick Foley. Whether as Cactus Jack, Dude Love or Mankind, fans loved the man for his heart and uncompromising desire to rise to the top of the ranks. No moment better personifies this time period than the 1998 King of the Ring Hell in a Cell when Mankind not only was thrown off the cell by the Undertaker, but was also choke slammed through the top of the cell, leaving fans simultaneously breathless, horrified and in awe. “Have a nice day.”

    1. L.O.D 2000

Call them The Road Warriors. Call them Legion of Doom. Simply call them Animal and Hawk. Whatever the name, one thing is undeniable; these men were absolute beasts in the ring. The two time WWF Tag Team Champions had a long and storied career before The Attitude Era. But during this era, their brute force, spiked shoulder pads and painted faces made them a much beloved part of the WWE universe. Having perhaps the greatest two man finishing maneuver, The Doomsday Device, L.O.D. provided many a rush for wrestling fans.

    1. The Big Show

Having come aboard the WWE in 1999, the former “Giant” of WCW wasted no time making his immense presence known. Serving as a henchman of sorts for Vince McMahon’s Corporation, The Big Show literally exploded onto the scene. During a Steel Cage match between McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin at the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre: In Your House. Maybe not so much exploding as tearing his way through the bottom of the ring, jumping in and going full speed at Austin. Take about a first impression.

    1. Val Venis

Val Venis, also known as “The Big Valbowski” was a polarizing member of the WWE during The Attitude Era. With a gimmick that poised him as a former porn star who turned to wrestling, Venis’ nonstop use of innuendos and overtly sexual shtick, Venis was a true one of a kind. With a finishing move called “The Money Shot” it’s not hard to imagine why Venis is one of the most entertaining yet most over the top ridiculous wrestlers to have won multiple championships (European, Intercontinental, Tag Team) in the history of the WWE.

    1. Vince McMahon/The Corporation

“No Chance in Hell.” That was how Vince McMahon described Stone Cold Steve Austin’s chances of winning the 1999 Royal Rumble. Fair odds considering Austin was deemed the first man to enter the thirty man bonanza. Austin was in fact eliminated by none other than Mr. McMahon, prompting the catchphrase to not only become the theme of McMahon but his entire stable, The Corporation. Not the first time a catchphrase went on to become the main hook of a wrestler’s theme; nor was it the last.

    1. The Godfather

In case anyone thought the contrary, The Godfather proved that pimpin’ was in fact not easy. The former Papa Shango and Kama Mustafa, The Godfather, along with his “ho train” are a great example of The Attitude Era at its finest. Racy, provocative yet hilarious and contagious, The Godfather is all that is great about late-90’s WWE. Pushing the boundaries while appealing to a massive audience. A larger life than character, the one-time Intercontinental Champion staked his claim as an all-time great; pimpin’ aside.

    1. D-Generation X

Bow to the masters. The defining stable of The Attitude Era. Shawn Michaels and Triple H ushered in a new era all their own with a renegade enthusiasm and an oppositional defiant mission. DX would go on to include the likes of X-Pac, Chyna and The New Age Outlaws throughout its initial run during The Attitude Era. DX is to this era what Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire are to late-90’s baseball. Things wouldn’t have been the same without them. Thanks to DX, “Suck It” became a household phrase towards the end of the decade.

    1. The Rock

The Most Electrifying Man in All of Sports Entertainment. Coming from a family of wrestlers, no superstar of The Attitude Era has transcended into a worldwide phenomenon the was The Rock has. In fact, the unprecedented success of The Rock cannot be compared to a wrestler of any era. The People’s Champion has made several comebacks since leaving the ring for the silver screen but whenever a sold-out crowd is asked if they smell what the Rock is cooking, there is no doubt the roof will explode today much like it would during The Attitude Era.

    1. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Without question, Stone Cold Steve Austin was the biggest star of The Attitude Era. With a seemingly endless amount of catchphrases such as , “Austin 3:16”, “That’s the Bottom Line”, What?” and “Opening a can of Whoopass”, the Texas Rattlesnake was more than a wrestler, he was a pop culture movement. His ongoing feud with Vince McMahon as well as going face to face with the likes of Triple H, The Rock and Shawn Michaels, Austin was the “everyman’s everyman” of The Attitude Era. The sound of glass smashing was guaranteed to ignite any crowd and send them into a frenzy. No other wrestler’s theme had the same impact as Austin’s and truth be told, his theme was most effective now when being introduced, but when making a surprise entrance either to disrupt another wrestler or raise hell in general.

    1. The New Age Outlaws

The “Road Dogg” Jessie James. “The Badd Ass” Billy Gunn. The New Age Outlaws go to number one for a number of reasons. Their theme in terms of music is basic. But it’s the interactive approach of the Road Dogg exclaiming, “Oh you didn’t know? Your ass better call somebody!” The unbelievable pop of energy and noise from the crowd each time The Outlaws entered the arena was unmatched. Their ability to have the crowd word for word recite their declaration each time they came to the ring is a thing of beauty. The Outlaws were consistently able to bring the entire arena to their feet. They put the entertainment in WWE to such a high degree there’s no disputing they are a once in a lifetime all around talent. Before or after, there has never been that kind of interplay between entertainer(s) and audience. The six time Tag Team Champions may individually never been the biggest stars, but together they are undoubtedly the absolute pinnacle of WWE Tag Team Wrestling.